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Looking for some super helpful tips to eat healthy on a budget? It’s not as hard as you think!
Eating healthy on a budget can seem almost daunting, but believe it or not, it can be done. Eating healthy has, for some reason, become a stigma towards those who make more $$$ than others and it’s something that not everyone can afford (<— not true). Anyone with a grocery budget can totally eat healthy… you just need to know how!
For me, it’s all about being smart, mentally and financially speaking. I have a budget of about $100-$125 a week for anything food related. That includes me going out to dinner (which I have really been trying to limit to MAYBE once a week with friends) or even grabbing a Skinny Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks.
Though my budget may seem high to some, I try to buy sustainable meat when I can (I love to buy in bulk from ButcherBox!) and clean, organic fruits and veggies when I am able to afford it. But the first thing I always do is check what’s on sale and the weekly ad deals. I tend to base my meal plan for the week on this so I am able to stay within budget.
Here are some more tips that will help you stick to your budget while eating healthy!
Cook at home
Eating out can get really expensive, especially if you are going 2-3x a week and probably not eating the healthiest option you can be. Sometimes, even though we order healthier menu options, they don’t always tend to cook them in healthier oils or top off your salads with 300 calorie dressings 😅
You can get so many more meals out of your budget if you make them yourself at home.
Plus, you will know exactly what you are eating and how it was prepared. You can even cook up your lunches for work or prep your dinner for those nights when you want to come home and do absolutely nothing. I love to make these Gluten Free Oatmeal Breakfast Bars for those mornings where I just don’t have time to make breakfast.
It’s a win-win when you cook at home. I’m always sharing my meal prep plan for the week or my grocery haul on my Instagram stories! You should check it out –> here.
Make a double batch
When cooking in large quantities, you will not only save money but also time. You will only have to wash those dishes once, as opposed to cooking two separate meals and having another set of dishes that need to be cleaned. I loathe dishes. I know I’m not the only one!
If you don’t want to eat the same thing so many days in a row, just make sure you are making freezer-friendly meals like chili (I’ve been obsessed with this Smokey Roasted Peppers Chili from Rubies and Radishes) and freeze whatever you won’t be using. You will be thanking yourself the following week when you don’t have to cook.
Trust me.
Keep it simple
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. I really can’t say that enough.
Keeping it simple, will not only help you stick to your budget but also be less stressful.
Making overnight oats, or greek yogurt with fruit does not take much planning for your breakfasts and you get to eat a healthy yet satisfying meal. Packing your lunches with hard boiled eggs, an apple or banana, and some raw veggies (like baby carrots) is very inexpensive.
Plan your meals
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I meal plan based off of what is on sale at the store that week.
Plan your meals, then make a grocery list of the things you will need. Make sure you plan your breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. This way, you are not having to go back to the store.
I would also suggest coming up with different snacks and meals so you don’t get bored but try to plan some that consist of some of the same ingredients through the week so that can help your budget as well.
Stick your list
I have this app on my phone called AnyList and it saves my life every time. It keeps me organized and it narrows down the chance of me going off the plan and buying things I REALLY don’t need to be buying and making me go out of my budget.
By sticking to your list, you will only be getting the things you need for your healthy meals. It is so easy to start putting other things in the cart that have caught your eye, but just know that these things will add up quickly and not help your budget. You do not want to be buying junk food and blow your budget. Junk food will blow your budget in a hot minute.
Be flexible
You definitely want to stick to your grocery list when you are at the grocery store. However, if you have asparagus on your list for a recipe but the broccoli is on sale or the sweet potatoes are totally giving you vibes right now, then go with it. You’re more likely to actually cook these veggies than to let sit in your fridge drawer till they start to stink up your fridge and you have to throw them out.
Just sayin’.
Eating healthy is so worth it though! It normally takes some time to adjust and get the hang of it, but the more you do it, the better you will get. Hopefully, these tips have been helpful to you and have given you some ideas on how you can eat healthy and stay on budget!
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